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Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Perbicaraan Eric Chia atau tuduhan Criminal Breach of Trust (CBT) membabitkan RM 76.4 juta yang berlarutan selama 3 tahun telah mencapai keputusannya... Eric Chia dibebaskan dari pertuduhan!

Sebabnya ialah kerana pihak pendakwaraya GAGAL membuktikan bahawa pertuduhan ke atas Eric Chia mempunyai Prima Facie yang melayakkan Eric Chia untuk dibicarakan.

Mengikut pandangan Anwar Ibrahim, beliau berpandangan bahawa
keputusan kes Eric Chia akan menyebabkan integriti kehakiman tercabar. Hmm... Maknanya salah hakim lah.

Kitaro kurang setuju dengan DSAI. Pandangan Kitaro, dalam kes kegagalan membuktikan Prima Facie... yang bertanggungjawab mencari, mengenal pasti dan mengemukakan bukti ialah pihak Prosecution atau Pendakwaraya.

Memetik kata-kata Pensyarah Kitaro, Dr. Farah Nini dalam kelas Criminal Prosedure Law dulu,

"Bahagian yang paling penting untuk diberi perhatian dan usaha yang teliti ialah membuktikan prima facie. Jika gagal, maka segala prosedur seterusnya tidak dapat dilakukan."

Dalam erti kata lain, pihak Peguam Negara sebenarnya yang tercalar integriti. Pendakwaraya kena beli ker? Hehehe

Memetik 30 muka surat judgment Akhtar Tahir sebagai berkata;

"The prosecution's case has been negated by their own evidence and crippled by the non-calling of essential witnesses.

"From my observation of the evidence, I noted that none of the prosecution witnesses were familiar with the actual contents of the TAAs. The understanding of the witnesses, prosecution and defence cannot be substituted with that of the actual ones involved in the drafting of the documents.

As a conclusion I would say... in this case the court was deprived of making this maximum evaluation as the material witnesses were not even called.

I have decided that the prosecution has failed in proving a prima facie case against the accused on both the main and the alternative charge. The accused is therefore acquitted and discharged for both the main and alternative charge."

Amacam kawan-kawan Kitaro di AG Chambers?

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