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Thursday, June 28, 2007


Geeting to know Jeff Ooi was among the greatest experience in my life. His talk was very inspiring and he's very approachable.

"Changes is a must and it'll come one. We never know when eventgough we plan. But whan it happens, we must be well prepared" - Elizabeth Wong

"The failure of religion in our country is to change ones heart to a better person. That's why in our country, leaders commit corruption everywhere, people afraid of the law instead of respect the law." - Datuk Paul Low

Sitting beside Datuk Paul Low (Secretary General of Tranparency International Malaysia), Elizabeth Wong (SUARAM Secretariat Member & Consultant of Strategic Research Development -SIRD) teaches the meaning of passion and resistance in the fight for the truth.

"During my study in the university, it is an obligation to pass critical thinking subject. But the way it was thought wasn't critical. Student's were not allowed to be crtitical. By the end of the day, graduates become unemployed and even worst, they are unemployable..." - Jeff Ooi

An interesting dialogue of the night

After the forum, a few chinese guy came to me... and one of them named Paul said to me, "You know what... I think PAS deserve my vote. You know why? When compare the media report to the facts and reality... it's obvious that PAS is far form the disaster pictured by the media. I've debated with some of my Chinese colleagues, they are speechless when I high=lighted the facts... congratulation to PAS!"

I started to ask myself... Do I look like a PAS member?

the media have a strong message
I have a dream...
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