Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Sepanjang dialog kami... apa yang paling menyentuh hati Kitaro ialah kata mereka ialah;
"You know what... I was a very important person in the government sector before. I have been travelling all over the world. After many years come... I think and I believe that PAS DESERVE MY VOTE!"
Tambah beliau lagi, "After what they have worked in this country especially in Kelantan, I cant see anything that been negatively claimed about PAS are in fact a reality. It was totally a bluff!!!"
Bila timbul isu Tok Guru Nik Aziz menyarankan agar wakil rakyat PAS menjelang pilihanraya umum (yang dijangka semakin dekat) mesti di kalangan mereka yang tidak merokok sahaja, muncul manusia-manusia yang kononnya pejuang 'nasib rakyat'. Antaranya, muncul Nazri Aziz dengan kenyataannya;
Nazri argued for freedom of choice, saying that smoking was not wrong as long as smokers did not indulge in their habit in places where it was prohibited. Smoking is not something bad. Its not taking drugs. The only concern is that smoking causes cancer.
Petang tadi, rakan saya dari masyarakat Cina yang pernah mengatakan bahawa "PAS deserve my vote," menghubungi saya melalui telefon bimbit. Katanya ringkas;
"I really hate there's a kind of politician like Nazri and Guan Eng. They really proved that they want to get the peoples' vote by hook or by crook. Don't worry my friend, eventhough the votes for PAs may not give them the opportunity to get Malaysia, but at least they rpoved their sinceirty to deliver good to all no matter what religion they are."
Nah!!! Rakan-rakan kalian, itu kata bicara dari seorang Cina yang bukan beragama Islam. Apakata anda?